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The Eucharistic Miracles of the World

Catalogue Book of the Vatican International Exhibition

with a Foreword by

The (Most Rev.) Raymond Leo Burke, D.D., J.C.D.
Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
Former Archbishop of Saint Louis

The Eucharistic Miracles of the World
Presented by The Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association

With an extensive assortment of photographs and historical descriptions, the exhibition presents some of the principal Eucharistic Miracles that took place throughout the ages in various countries of the world and which have been recognized by the Church. By means of the panels, one can “virtually visit” the places where the miracles took place. The current exhibition includes 160 panels that are used to explain 158 Eucharistic Miracles with an additional 22 country and historical panel maps (60x80 cm), all of which are available by contacting the Real Presence Office at

The exhibition has already visited well over 3000 parishes in Italy, the USA, Canada and in many other countries as well and has been translated into numerous languages.

Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano Eucharistic Miracle of Ettiswil, Switzerland Eucharistic Miracle of St. Egidio

The maximum exhibition size is composed of a total of 160 plasticized or vinyl panels (60x80 cm), made in such a way as to allow them to be hung on any surface, tented up and down on table tops, placed on easels, or in any other manner chosen by those who Host the exhibition. The exhibition should be laid out as shown below. Please note: In the future more Eucharistic Miracles may be added to this exhibition.

Eucharistic Miracle Exhibition

To host your exhibition or to receive your own Eucharistic Miracle display, contact the Real Presence Association for details. Please call 608-782-0011 or email at:

In cooperation with the Pontifical Academy Cultorum Martyrum,
The Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association has made available, in English, the following Italian book

The Eucharistic Miracles
Of The World

Eucharistic Miracle Exhibition

Original Title: I Miracoli Eucaristici nel Mondo

The Eucharistic Miracles of the World catalogue book are available and may be purchased from:

Marian Catechist Bookstore

If your parish or organization would like to exhibit the Church approved photographic Vatican International Exhibition of The Eucharistic Miracles of the World, please call or email us with your required basic information - name, address, telephone number, and email address. Even if you are just gathering information to present to your parish, you must still fill out the basic information.

The Marian Catechist office
Phone: 608-782-0011

Vatican International Exhibition brochure

Relevant Articles about the Eucharistic Miracles

Foreword to The Eucharistic Miracles of the World
The (Most Rev.) Raymond L. Burke, D.D., J.C.D.
Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
Former Archbishop of Saint Louis

Presentation - The Eucharistic Miracles: Limits and Positive Aspects
S.E. Rev. ma Mons Raffaello Martinelli
Official of the Catechetical Office of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

The Real Presence
Reverend Fr. John A. Hardon, S. J.

Cardinal Angelo Comastri,
Vicar of the Pope for the State of Vatican City

The Eucharistic Miracles
Reverend Fr. Roberto Coggi, O.P.

Vatican International Exhibition

Relevant Articles about the Eucharistic Miracles


Miracles by Country



Eucharistic Miracles of Argentina - (PDF: 1.09M)

Buenos Aires, 1992 - 1994 - 1996 (part 1) - (PDF: 1.46M)
Buenos Aires, 1992 - 1994 - 1996 (part 2) - (PDF: 1.42M)
Buenos Aires, 1992 - 1994 - 1996 (part 3) - (PDF: 1.25M)

2024 EM Beunos Aires Part 1

2024 EM Beunos Aires Part 2

2024 EM Beunos Aires Part 3

Map: Eucharistic Miracles of Argentina



Eucharistic Miracles of Austria - (PDF: 76k)

Fiecht, 1310 - (PDF: 158k)

Seefeld, 1384 - (PDF: 246k)

Weiten-Raxendorf, 1411 - (PDF: 177k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracles of Austria



Eucharistic Miracles of Belgium - (PDF: 86k)

Bois-Seigneur-Isaac, 1405 - (PDF: 170k)

Bruges, 1203 - (PDF: 215k)

Brussels, 1370 - (PDF: 199k)

Herentals, 1412 - (PDF: 172k)

Herkenrode-Hasselt, 1317 - (PDF: 192k)

Liège (Corpus Christi), 1374 - (PDF: 203k)

Middleburg-Lovanio, 1374 - (PDF: 175k)

2024 EM Bois Seigneur Isaacwav

2024 EM Bruges

2024 EM Herentals

2024 EM Corpus Christi

2024 EM Hasselt

2024 EM Lovanio

Map: Eucharistic Miracles of Belgium

Carribean Island of Martinique


Eucharistic Miracle of the Carribean Island of Martinique - (PDF: 62k)

Morne-Rouge, 1902 - (PDF: 174k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracle of the Carribean Island of Martinique



Eucharistic Miracle of Colombia - (PDF: 139k)

Tumaco, 1906 - (PDF: 163k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracle of Colombia



Eucharistic Miracle of Croatia - (PDF: 101k)

Ludbreg, 1411 (part 1) - (PDF: 165k)
Ludbreg, 1411 (part 2) - (PDF: 283k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracle of Croatia



Eucharistic Miracles of Egypt - (PDF: 97k)

Jordan / Arabian Desert - St. Mary of Egypt, 6th Century - (PDF: 195k)

Scete, 3rd – 5th Century - (PDF: 1.50M)

Map: Eucharistic Miracles of Egypt



Eucharistic Miracles of France - (PDF: 89k)

Avignon, 1433 (part 1) - (PDF: 174k)
Avignon, 1433 (part 2) - (PDF: 218k)

Blanot, 1331 - (PDF: 168k)

Bordeaux, 1822 - (PDF: 165k)

Dijon, 1430 - (PDF: 229k)

Douai, 1254 - (PDF: 160k)

Faverney, 1608 - (PDF: 179k)

La Rochelle, 1461
Neuvy Saint Sépulcre, 1257
- (PDF: 157k)

Les Ulmes, 1668 - (PDF: 162k)

Marseille-En-Beauvais, 1533 - (PDF: 164k)

Paris, 1290 (part 1) - (PDF: 177k)
Paris, 1290 (part 2) - (PDF: 253k)

Pressac, 1643 - (PDF: 178k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracles of France



Eucharistic Miracles of Germany - (PDF: 89k)

Augsburg, 1194 - (PDF: 151k)

Benningen, 1216 - (PDF: 173k)

Bettbrunn, 1125 - (PDF: 157k)

Erding, 1417(PDF: 175k)

Kranenburg, District of Kleve, 1280 - (PDF: 157k)

Regensburg, 1255(PDF: 187k)

Walldürn, 1330 - (PDF: 218k)

Weingarten (part 1) - (PDF: 189k)
Weingarten (part 2) - (PDF: 236k)

Wilsnack, 1383(PDF: 216k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracles of Germany



Eucharistic Miracle of India - (PDF: 80k)

Chirattakonam, 2001 - (PDF: 148k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracle of India

Island of La Réunion


Eucharistic Miracle of the Island of La Réunion - (PDF: 71k)

Saint-André de la Réunion, 1902 - (PDF: 145k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracle of the Island of La Réunion



Eucharistic Miracles of Italy - (PDF: 1.11M)

Alatri, 1228(PDF: 165k)

Assisi (Saint Clare), 1240(PDF: 183k)

Asti, 1535(PDF: 182k)

Asti, 1718(PDF: 152k)

Bagno Di Romagna, 1412(PDF: 161k)

Bolsena, 1264 (part 1)(PDF: 165k)
Bolsena, 1264 (part 2)(PDF: 236k)

Canosio, 1630(PDF: 176k)

Cascia, 1330(PDF: 173k)

Cava Dei Tirreni, 1656(PDF: 229k)

Dronero, 1631
San Mauro La Bruca, 1969
(PDF: 178k)

Ferrara, 1171(PDF: 178k)

Florence, 1230-1595(PDF: 161k)

Gruaro (Valvasone), 1294(PDF: 168k)

Lanciano, 750 A.D. (part 1)(PDF: 186k)
Lanciano, 750 A.D. (part 2)(PDF: 194k)

Macerata, 1356(PDF: 188k)

Mogoro, 1604(PDF: 170k)

Morrovalle, 1560(PDF: 164k)

Offida, 1273-1280(PDF: 164k)

Patierno (Naples), 1772(PDF: 169k)

Rimini, 1227(PDF: 170k)

Rome, 6th – 7th Centuries (part 1)(PDF: 218k)
Rome, 6th – 7th Centuries (part 2)(PDF: 221k)

Rome, 1610(PDF: 180k)

Rosano, 1948(PDF: 170k)

Saint Peter Damian, 11th Century
Scala, 1732
(PDF: 174k)

Salzano, 1517(PDF: 1.29M)

Siena, 1730(PDF: 152k)

Trani, 11th Century(PDF: 163k)

Turin, 1453 (part 1)(PDF: 179k)
Turin, 1453 (part 2)(PDF: 238k)

Turin, 1640(PDF: 177k)

Veroli, 1570(PDF: 160k)

Volterra, 1472(PDF: 184k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracles of Italy



Eucharistic Miracle of Mexico - (PDF: 1.10M)

Tixtla, October 21, 2006 (part 1)(PDF: 1.42M)
Tixtla, October 21, 2006 (part 2)(PDF: 1.30M)

Map: Eucharistic Miracle of Mexico



Eucharistic Miracles of the Netherlands - (PDF: 60k)

Alkmaar, 1429(PDF: 204k)

Amsterdam, 1345 (part 1)(PDF: 184k)
Amsterdam, 1345 (part 2)(PDF: 251k)

Bergen, 1421(PDF: 187k)

Boxmeer, 1400(PDF: 211k)

Boxtel-Hoogstraten, 1380(PDF: 213k)

Breda-Niervaart, 1300(PDF: 211k)

Meerssen, 1222-1465(PDF: 193k)

Stiphout, 1342(PDF: 192k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracles of the Netherlands



Eucharistic Miracle of Perù - (PDF: 60k)

Eten, 1649(PDF: 182k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracle of Perù



Eucharistic Miracles of Poland - (PDF: 1.09M)

Glotowo, 1290(PDF: 147k)

Krakow, 1345(PDF: 170k)

Legnica, 2013 (Part 1)(PDF: 1.37M)
Legnica, 2013 (Part 2)(PDF: 1.52M)

Poznan, 1399(PDF: 158k)

Sokólka, October 12, 2008 (Part 1)(PDF: 1.41M)
Sokólka, October 12, 2008 (Part 2)(PDF: 1.31M)
Sokólka, October 12, 2008 (Part 3)(PDF: 1.41M)

Map: Eucharistic Miracles of Poland



Eucharistic Miracle of Portugal - (PDF: 82k)

Santarém, 1247 (part 1)(PDF: 167k)
Santarém, 1247 (part 2)(PDF: 209k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracle of Portugal



Eucharistic Miracles of Spain - (PDF: 84k)

Alboraya-Almácera, 1348 (part 1)(PDF: 145k)
Alboraya-Almácera, 1348 (part 2)(PDF: 206k)

Alcalá, 1597(PDF: 148k)

Alcoy, 1568(PDF: 167k)

Caravaca de la Cruz, 1231(PDF: 151kf)

Cimballa, 1370(PDF: 164k)

Daroca, 1239 (part 1)(PDF: 167k)
Daroca, 1239 (part 2)(PDF: 260k)

Gerona, 1297(PDF: 132k)

Gorkum-El Escorial, 1572(PDF: 182k)

Guadalupe, 1420(PDF: 180k)

Ivorra, 1010 (part 1)(PDF: 153k)
Ivorra, 1010 (part 2)(PDF: 154k)

Moncada, 1392(PDF: 172k)

Montserrat, 1657(PDF: 160k)

O’Cebreiro, 1300(PDF: 164k)

Onil, 1824 (part 1)(PDF: 181k)
Onil, 1824 (part 2)(PDF: 227k)

Ponferrada, 1533(PDF: 153k)

Saint John of the Abbesses, 1251(PDF: 173k)

Silla, 1907(PDF: 168k)

Valencia (part 1)(PDF: 153k)
Valencia (part 2)(PDF: 198k)

Zaragoza, 1427(PDF: 154k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracles of Spain



Eucharistic Miracle of Switzerland - (PDF: 73k)

Ettiswil, 1447(PDF: 151k)

Map: Eucharistic Miracle of Switzerland



Eucharistic Miracle of Venezuela - (PDF: 1.09M)

Betania, December 8, 1991(PDF: 1.37M)

Map: Eucharistic Miracle of Venezuela

Saints, Mystics and the Eucharist

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque – Sacred Heart of Jesus, 17th Century(PDF: 129k)

Saint Thomas Aquinas, 1224-1274(PDF: 166k)

Saint Francis of Assisi, 13th Century(PDF: 173k)

Saint Bernard of Chiaravalle, 12th Century
Saint John Bosco, 1848
(PDF: 114k)

Saint Germaine Cousin (Pibrac), 1589(PDF: 149k)

Saint Egidio(PDF: 146k)

Saint Stanislaus Kostka, 1550-1568(PDF: 164k)

Saint Faustina Kowalska, 20th Century(PDF: 121k)

Saint Satyrus, 4th Century(PDF: 134k)

Saint Catherine of Siena, 1347-1380(PDF: 175k)

Blessed Alexandrina Maria da Costa, 1904-1955(PDF: 139k)

Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, 1774-1824(PDF: 161k)

Blessed Mary of the Passion, 1866-1912(PDF: 1.32M)

Blessed Nicholas Steno (in Danish - Niels Steensen), 1638-1686
St. Nicholas of Flue, 1417
Servant of God Anne-Louise Lateau, 1850
(PDF: 105k)

Servant of God Marthe Robin, 1902-1981(PDF: 129k)

André Frossard, 20th Century(PDF: 141k)

Teresa Neumann, 1898-1962(PDF: 131k)

Our Lady and the Eucharist

Calanda, Spain, Miguel-Juan Pellicer, 1640(PDF: 124k)

Fatima, Portugal, The Angel of Peace, 1916 (part 1)(PDF: 122k)
Fatima, Portugal, The Angel of Peace, 1916 (part 2)(PDF: 161k)
Fatima, Portugal, The Angel of Peace, 1916 (part 3)(PDF: 160k)

Guadalupe, Mexico, Juan Diego, 1531(PDF: 143k)

Lourdes, France, Saint Bernadette, 1888(PDF: 148k)

Paris, France, Saint Catherine Labouré, 1830(PDF: 124k)

Miraculous Communions

Miraculous Communions (part 1) - (PDF: 177k)

  • Blessed Emilia Bicchieri
  • Blessed Imelda Lambertini
  • Blessed James of Montieri
  • Blessed Thomas of Cori
  • Saint Bernard
  • Saint Bonaventure
  • Saint Gerard Magella
  • Saint Jerome
  • Saint Juliana Falconieri
  • Saint Lucia Filippini
  • Saint Maria Francesco of the Five Wounds
  • Saint Secondo

Miraculous Communions (part 2) - (PDF: 153k)

  • Blessed Angela of Foligno
  • Saint Agnes Segni
  • Saint Clare Montefalco
  • Saint Frances of Rome
  • Saint Gregory the Great
  • Saint Teresa of Avila

Miracles Maps

Europe - (PDF: 211k)

Spain and France - (PDF: 227k)

Children's Eucharist Video

You are encouraged to download (right click the link and chose "Save link as"), the complete children's Cartoon video, "The Eucharist, My Highway to Heaven", with 3 young boys talking about the Eucharist. This 49 minute video may be shown to children at your Eucharistic Miracles exhibition or at any other appropriate Church event. The video was put together by Antonia Salzano Acutis, and as such, the copyright © 2016 rightfully belongs to her. (Please note that the file for downloading has a full resolution of 1920 x 1080p, and is 845 Mbytes).

A lower resolution version of the video is presented here for streaming.

Blessed Carlo Acutis Inspired An Exhibition Of Eucharistic Miracles From Around The World - (Catholic Herald)

Official Website of the CARLO ACUTIS Association and the Cause of Beatification of Blessed Carlo Acutis

"Jesus is my great friend and the Eucharist my highway to Heaven" - quote by Venerable Carlo Acutis.

In cooperation with Antonia Salzano Acutis,
Curator of the Pontifical Academy Cultorum Martyrum and
President of the Institute of Saint Clement I Pope and Martyr,
the Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association
presents in English, complete with beautiful artwork, the following Exhibitions.

Eucharistic Miracles
Eucharistic Miracles
Angels and Demons
Angels and Demons
Paradise, Hell, Purgatory
Paradise, Hell, Purgatory
Blessed Virgin Mary
Blessed Virgin Mary

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Real Presence Eucharistic Education and Adoration Association
PO Box 1237
LaCrosse, WI 54602
Phone: 608-782-0011
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